Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Fitness Gimmicks

So I have started my kick with the Shake weight and actually am not disappointed with that so far. I am not sore afterward but I do definitely feel the burn during the workout. I think this will appease most of the population in the aspect of firming up without the hard workout. I do feel that you will miss out on the strength gain through a full range of motion but most people these days want that look and could care less about the strength.

Now my new thing is the Bionic Band. One of the Parents at my work had been talking about it for the past month and now he is having me put it to the test on myself since I don't believe in it. So far I have been wearing it for three days and whop di do nothing exciting to report.

The bionic band is supposed to give you increased energy, balance, and pain relief practically instantly. I have been reading over the website that promotes it and I still just can not see the point in buying this. Now I will say I am 24 and have not had to many hardships on my body yet. I think if I was 50 right now I would be loving this bionic band and maybe see some joint pain relief and balance. Though with my finding so far, no increased energy, maybe some balance but that is pretty good already, and no pain relief to take care of. Though the first day I put it on I did get a headache about 10 minutes after wearing it and Advil fixed that problem.

-If you would like to check out the website go to or for pricing
* If this product was $9.99, alright well whatever but the one I have is $55! Redidulous for a piece of metal strapped to my wrist!

Any comments or if you already wear one and love it let me know.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Shake Weight (day one)

So as I mentioned yesterday I received the Shake Weight as a birthday gift and I am now going to put it to the test. This morning after my cardio in the park I came back home and gave it a try.

There is a 6 minute DVD that comes along with it, so I popped it in my computer and went for it. It looks easy but I think I spend 3 of the 6 minutes just trying to figure out if I was shaking it right or not. I also noticed I was holding my breath a lot as a tried to shake it vigorously. Though in the end I was tired and my arms were begging me to put the shake weight down.

So day the feel of how it works, felt great burn, we will see if the results follow in the weeks to come.

Starting off my biceps are 11inches when they are flexed, I will keep you posted with the changes!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Th Shake Weight

I know it has been a few days since I am been on. My husband and I need to just give in and buy Internet but we still just travel back and forth to the in-laws to check the email.

I had my birthday this past week and from my in-laws i got the shake weight. It has always been integrating to me but it rally do not believe it will work. I now have decided since I did not purchase it and got it as a gift I am going to put it to the test. I am going to use for 30 days and see the results. I will keep you guys posted on the progress and of course the end result. If it does well I will add it into my workouts and promote it to my clients.

I am keeping it simple tonight, I will add some more recipes and tips tomorrow after my walk and workout!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Cup Cake Enemy

As you see this savory sweet cup cake and its tasty color I will advise you that this one cup cake alone ( frosting included) is 400 calories.
I am a sucker for sweets and cup cakes top the list of my favorite treats to splurge on.

Tomorrow is my Birthday so of course I had to make my celebratory cup cakes. Even though it shames me that I am a trainer and eating a 400 calorie cup cake( and trust me I wont just eat one), this is what I do and I am definitely going to enjoy it for my Birthday. I am a big avocate for moderation.
I have not had a cup cake since October I believe so even though you know I wont just eat one I have minimized my obstacles. I did make the entire batch but I am freezing 12 out of the 24 cup cakes. I will look forward to a great treat in a month or so.
I did also replace the three whole eggs with four egg whites, so that might have brought the calorie count down to 398.

You know though that I will enjoy my few 400 cal. cup cakes over the next few days and add on an addition mile here or there to my walks.

Fitness/Nutrition Tip of the day: Don't drag yourself down if you do splurge. Keep it in mind the next time you work out and push yourself a little longer, but enjoy life and the great treats that come along with it. (In moderation)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Great Outdoors

It is always nice to be able to get away from the city life and into the great outdoors. It is also an awesome place to get some adventuresome exercise.

My husband and I went camping this weekend at Lake Sommerville. We got in a 5 mile hike the first day and a two hour canoe trip the second day. We even ended our trip ona girly note and walked around the outlet mall off of 290 on our way back into town, but only window shopping today.

To keep motivated about your goal, you must kepping things new and exciting. my walks in Meyer park had started getting boring so a hike in a state park will a great alternative. With the tirane and incline/decline I am feeling the walk today. Not to mention the canoe trip, we started down wind but then had to go up wind and fight the current on the way back. For my first time on a canoe that was some mighty hard work.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

This weekend was a great time for family get together and good food. You do always have to be mindful of how much you eat during the holidays and what you are eating. My husband and I received a great Easter basket this year from my In-laws. We have grown our own spices in the past but as the cold weather came we let them go. this time we have a new start and many healthy, tasteful meals to come.

We woke up had had great omelets with some left over ham and worked on planting our new herbs and spices. Definitely a great way to start the day.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Keep on Track

I will admit this week I have fallen off the exercise band wagon. I got in a few workouts but not as many as I was striving for or had been doing in the previous weeks. It all started with the stomach virus 2 weeks ago. Like I said before, even for people with a routine in place it is hard to get back into the swing of things.

I walked 3.5 miles on Wednesday in the park and then got a workout in on Friday. Definitely no where close to where i need to be for my weekly quota for exercise. This is not a thing you should beat yourself down about, its all about taking the right steps to get back on track.

I am a schedule type of person, if my schedule gets messed u p my whole day is thrown off. April is a new month with new goals.
I hope to walk in a different park each day that I walk and advertise my company
some more.

Short entry today, my Internet is out again. Its always nice having in-laws close by to be able to stop in a check the emails. Enjoy the Easter Holiday weekend, and we will all get back into the swing of things when it comes to fitness on Monday.

Not to many chocolate Easter least make them dark chocolate!